For many years now, Dairy has been New Zealand's main source of income.
I think it's time to change that!
In New Zealand, we have 1,700,000 Hectares of GRASS. How would the economy look, if MOST of that grassland was converted to HEMP! My dream is to help the New Zealand Hemp Industry to become our PRIMARY Industry .... our number ONE Income Earner!
According to the new Zealand Hemp Industry Association ......
These are the Implications of a New Zealand hemp industry
- Increased revenue streams for the Kiwi farmer. Hemp can provide 3 times the current rate of return of other traditional land uses with a forecast gross margin of between $1,000 and $10,000 per hectare ($400 to $4,000 per acre).
- Hemp cleans and reconditions the soil, requiring less pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, leading to environmentally sustainable use of available farm land.
- Reduction in the number of people relying on the welfare system. There are huge employment opportunities created throughout industry as all aspects of the production cycle gear up to use seed and natural fibre raw materials.
- Revitalised rural economies, not just their environments (i.e. reduction of industrial chemicals required) but the community spirit as they develop locally and sell their primary produce.
- A reduction in the pollution and environmental impact on our waterways created by the switch from other land uses, especially when used in crop rotation.
- Increased awareness by the general public, of alternative, environmentally friendly products. Leading to support from consumers, as they use their green dollars to buy goods produced from sustainable sources.
- An expanding choice of diversified investment opportunities both locally and nationally.
- Realised export potential for goods and services, which meet and exceed the standards demanded by countries that lack New Zealand’s resources.
- Expanding total dollar tax take for the government coffers.
- A decline in the breakdown and break up of our rural economies and families. Utilisation of available and developing technology toward a safer and cleaner New Zealand.
This website has TWO main purposes ...
To bring together ALL Hemp interested parties including growers, researches, product developers and investors, to accomplish the above stated goal of a thriving New Zealand Hemp Industry.
To introduce Hemp to those people who are not aware of the huge potential of this amazing plant.
I believe that the NZ Hemp Community, has the potential to make Aotearoa New Zealand one of the wealthiest countries on the planet ..... but only if we work together .....
Remember ....
If you are already aware of all the amazing benefits of this wonderful plant, but you want to know more about the Frega NZ Hemp Collective click THE HUB button at the top of the page and .....
Join the Conversation.
The MAIN reason for this website/social media platform .....
our plan to bring together all interested parties of New Zealand
to make Hemp our Primary Industry
Will you help us?
If you have an interest in Hemp, there is a strong likelihood that you will be interested in other "Alternative" lifestyle choices. You may already support "alternative" energy, fuel, media and financial systems. Frega is both "alternative" media AND "alternative Finance"
The present technology boom has been with us for several decades but sadly the Internet has been stolen. It has been monopolised by the same people who have ALWAYS pulled the world's strings ..... Corporations, Bankers and the Wealthy ..... Those who have come to be known as ... "The Elite" or "The 1%ers"
We can change that! ...... BUT ONLY IF WE WORK TOGETHER in a massive, concerted, coordinated effort!
The Frega Collective has all the tools to accomplish this global collaboration
In fact Frega is all about COLLABORATION!
it is owned 100% by the members.
What is the Frega Collective?
Frega is a “Fintec” company, it is now registered in the UK (founded in Titirangi New Zealand)
It’s a global collaborative platform designed to offer similar services to those being offered by the big tech giants like Facebook, Amazon, Youtube and PayPal.
The Global membership of Individuals, Businesses, Clubs, Organisations and Charities has come to be known as, The Frega Collective.
Frega have launched many programs apps and websites that help groups of people to Collaborate ..... ... our own e-wallet (“PayPal” is an e-wallet) ... e-commerce (like TradeMe, e-bay and Amazon)
InvestPlus ... a customer rewards program (like Airpoints or Fly Buys)
Equity Release ... frees up future equity
CapitalPlus ... crowdfunding (similar to KickStarter and GoFundMe)
CommunityPlus ... will help you gather together your tribe ... social media (similar to Facebook) (our landing/info page)
DesignURwebsite ... the FREE website building tool that I used to build this website!
With more sites to come (including our own “App Store”)
Frega makes money in the same way all the other tech companies make money.
But because Frega is a collaboration ...
almost 100% of the revenue is shared by the users
It’s free to join and there is no obligation to buy anything.
Frega .... Robin Hood .... hiding in a Trojan Horse.
If you would like to collaborate with a growing number of individuals, organisations and businesses in making Hemp the Super Star of the New Zealand economy, click REGISTER top right .... it's FREE to join.
Or if you just want to chat, there's a chat button at the top of the page.
The attached Social Media Page (FregaHUB) is a showcase of everything Hemp.
There are similarities .....
Like Facebook, the promoter of a product, service or idea on the Frega platform, sets up a digital presence and invites stakeholders to become a member of the group to communicate and engage.
But there are BIG differences .....
Privacy; Unlike Facebook, data gathered in the course of communication and engagement within the portal is not sold or shared with third parties and ONLY used to optimize THAT PERSONS interaction and engagement within the portal.
Ownership of material; Unlike Facebook, none of the images, material or content shared on the portal belongs to CommunityPlus Hub, and will be deleted when and if requested to do so.
Access to history of communication; Unlike Facebook, all communication and shared documents (PDF, images, Excel, Word documents, maps, diagrams etc) are stored and made accessible to all stakeholders of the group, under rules defined by the originators.
Monetization of traffic; CommunityPlus monetizes its traffic, as Facebook does, but unlike Facebook this revenue is shared with members of the Hub and creators of the CommunityPlus pages.
Project Management Tools; Facebook provides no Project Management tools! CommunityPlus, on the other hand, makes it easy for members to set-up subgroups, project teams, add-to, disband and manage group communication and document sharing within the group.
Access to Capital; ANY Member of a CommunityPlus page can open their own CapitalPlus Page and use the portal as a campaign tool to access crowdfunding for social or commercial projects.
If you are not yet aware of this amazing plant's potential, here is a BRIEF overview.
You will find much more within the HUB ...... Click the HUB button at the top of the page
A BRIEF introduction to Hemp ....
Before we go any further, I want to make one thing clear.
What we are talking about here is INDUSTRIAL HEMP .... NOT Marijuana!
Hemp is the common name of a particular strain of Cannabis Sativa grown specifically for industrial use. Although its cousin plants are harvested to produce marijuana, hemp plants have a far lower concentration of THC, which is the main psychoactive component of marijuana (approximately 0.3 percent). “You could smoke a telephone poles worth of our stuff and still not get high,” Ken Anderson, whose company uses hemp in building, told the New York Times.
The global market for hemp consists of more than 25,000 products in nine submarkets: agriculture, textiles, recycling, automotive, furniture, food and beverages, paper, construction materials, and personal care. The interior of the stalk has short woody fibers called hurds; the outer portion has long bast fibers. Hemp seed/grains are smooth and about one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch long. The leaves and roots are also used for many amazing products.
Environmental Advantages
Hemp is an extremely fast growing crop, producing more fiber yield per acre than any other source. Hemp can produce 250% more fiber than cotton and 600% more fiber than flax using the same amount of land. The amount of land needed for obtaining equal yields of fiber place hemp at an advantage over other fibers.
Hemp grows best in warm tropical zones or in moderately cool, temperate climates. Hemp leaves the soil in excellent condition for any succeeding crop, especially when weeds may otherwise be troublesome. Where the ground permits, hemp's strong roots descend for three feet or more. The roots anchor and protect the soil from runoff, building and preserving topsoil and subsoil structures similar to those of forests. Moreover, hemp does not exhaust the soil. Hemp plants shed their leaves all through the growing season, adding rich organic matter to the topsoil and helping it retain moisture. Farmers have reported excellent hemp growth on land that had been cultivated steadily for nearly 100 years.
And if you are a FARMER ..... Growing Hemp is a "No-brainer"
Source of information ....
Nutritional benefits of hemp seeds ... full of nutritious compounds.
Hemp seeds are a complete source of protein, providing all nine essential amino acids.
To find out more about HEMP SEEDS ....
Click the HUB button at the top of this page.
There will be experts there to guide you.
Outer Fiber
Source of this material ...
Hemp Textile Properties
Hemp or Cannabis sativa has been valued for its strength and durability for thousands of years. Materials made from hemp have been discovered in tombs dating back to 8,000 B.C.E. Christopher Columbus sailed to America on ships rigged with hemp. Hemp was grown extensively in colonial America by numerous farmers including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag from hemp. In fact, its combination of ruggedness and comfort were utilized by Levi Strauss as a lightweight duck canvas for the very first pair of jeans made in California.
Hemp fiber is one of the strongest and most durable of all natural textile fibers. Products made from hemp will outlast their competition by many years. Not only is hemp strong, but it also holds its shape, stretching less than any other natural fiber. This prevents hemp garments from stretching out or becoming distorted with use. Hemp may be known for its durability, but its comfort and style are second to none. The more hemp is used, the softer it gets. Hemp doesn't wear out, it wears in. Hemp is also naturally resistant to mold and ultraviolet light.
The possibilities for hemp fabrics are immense. It is likely that they will eventually supersede cotton, linen, and polyester in numerous areas. With so many uses and the potential to be produced cheaply, hemp textiles are the wave of the future!
To find out more about HEMP FIBER ....
Click the HUB button at the top of this page.
There will be experts there to guide you.
Inner Core (Hurd)
The inner core of the Hemp plant (Hurd) can be used as sustainable animal bedding, alternative green building material for such applications as hemp concrete, biodegradable garden mulch, lightweight board, acoustical ceiling and wall tiles, nonwood plastic filler and other innovative eco-friendly bioproducts.

Hempcrete or Hemplime is bio-composite material, a mixture of hemp hurds (shives) and lime (possibly including natural hydraulic lime, sand, or pozzolans) which is used as a material for construction and insulation. Hempcrete is easier to work with than traditional lime mixes and acts as an insulator and moisture regulator. It lacks the brittleness of concrete and consequently does not need expansion joints. The result is a lightweight insulating material ideal for most climates as it combines insulation and thermal mass.
Hempcrete has been used in France since the early 1990s to construct non-weight bearing insulating infill walls, as hempcrete does not have the requisite strength for constructing foundation and is instead supported by the frame. Hempcrete was also used to renovate old buildings made of stone or lime. France continues to be an avid user of hempcrete; it is growing in popularity annually.
Like other plant products, hemp absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere as it grows, retaining the carbon and releasing the oxygen. Theoretically 165 kg of carbon can be absorbed and locked up by 1 m3 of hempcrete wall during manufacture. JustBioFiber claims a sequestration of 130 kg per m³ built.
Limecrete, Ltd. (UK) reports a fire resistance rating of 1 hour per British/EU standards
Hemp building Blocks
The hemp block naturally regulates the temperature of the building thanks to its excellent ability to diffuse the accumulated heat. This high inertia insulating block protects against:
- cold in winter by keeping the heat in the house longer
- heat in summer by avoiding overheating of the habitat.
As a real thermal buffer, it maintains a constant indoor temperature and significantly reduces the impact of heat variations between day and night.
Thanks to its high permeability to water vapour, the hemp block acts as a water buffer and offer a constant and healthy indoor climate for the occupants. The relative humidity level is thus stabilised (from 50% to 55%).
Whether IsoHemp hemp blocks are used for your walls or interior partitions, external and ambient noise will be significantly reduced. In terms of sound insulation, the hemp block acts as a real sound trap and helps to dampen the majority of sound waves, protecting you from noise pollution.
The IsoHemp hemp block complies with current standards and provides a simple and effective solution to your site problems, both for industrial or collective buildings (nurseries, schools...) and residential homes. With an excellent reaction to fire (class A1 for the coated block), it offers up to more than 2 hours of fire resistance depending on the finish and thickness of the block used.
The hemp block meets the strictest requirements of sustainable development: it is manufactured according to a very low energy-consuming process, using 100% natural materials (limestone and hemp) that are sourced locally. A very positive carbon footprint, since a pallet of IsoHemp hemp blocks stores 100kg of CO².
To find out more about HEMP BLOCKS ....
Click the HUB button at the top of this page.
There will be experts there to guide you.
Hemp "Wood"

After the U.S. government made it legal to grow industrial hemp late last year, a startup has announced that they’re building a factory to turn hemp fiber into “wood.” The factory, located in western Kentucky, will start turning hemp fibers into flooring and blocks by the end of the year.
Greg Wilson of American startup 'Fibonacci' looked for a plant fiber that could be used to replicate the SmartOak process without wood and started experimenting with hemp in the U.S. after a 2014 farm bill allowed for research with it. He developed a product called HempWood, which he says is a more sustainable alternative for hardwoods like oak. According to him, his processing algorithm can “reverse engineer” the hardness, density and stability of specific kinds of wood, and mimic them with plant fibers and “protein-based bonding agents.”
HempWood is an impressive display of hemp’s versatility, but it’s not the first time the much-misunderstood plant has been used in building. Despite the legal challenges, people have been building with hemp for thousands of years.
Find out more about Hemp Hurds ....
Click the HUB button at the top of this page.
There will be experts there to guide you.
A Biodegradable Alternative to Plastic
We have 6.3 BILLION TONS of this plastic lying around our planet. And plastic takes over 400 years to decompose?
While it might be impossible to get rid of the existing plastic on our planet, we can be proactive against this problem by using biodegradable alternatives to plastic and urging others to do the same.
While it may come as a surprise, the fiber inside hemp can be used to produce a plastic alternative that offers the same capabilities of synthetic plastic and it’s fully biodegradable.
Many eco-conscious brands and companies have already started using hemp plastics in their products, and with global brands like Coca Cola experimenting with plant-based plastic alternatives, hemp plastic might just be the plastic of the future.
Hemp can be used to create a fiber-reinforced biocomposite — this is a polymer matrix reinforced with hemp fibers. The result is a durable product which looks and feels like the fossil fuel-based polymer plastics consumers are accustomed to buying.
To date, the primary user of hemp-based bioplastics has been the automotive industry, but this versatile material has potential uses across many sectors. Hemp Business Journal has predicted that by 2022, the hemp bioplastics industry will reach $28 million.
Any type of bioplastic has significant advantages for the environment. Unlike traditional polymers, they are not made from fossil fuel products and do not produce carbon dioxide gas when they break down. As the world faces a climate crisis, bioplastics could be an essential part of the climate solution.
Additionally, most bioplastics (including hemp-based bioplastics) are biodegradable, meaning they will not contribute to the crippling levels of plastic waste and pollution across the planet.
Hemp-based bioplastics have massive potential as an alternative to the petroleum-based polymers, which are having a detrimental effect on the natural environment. Not only are hemp bioplastics biodegradable, but they also offer reduced water and pesticide use compared to other crops, at the same time as providing higher yields.
With applications from household goods to car components and everything in between, hemp-based bioplastics will likely play a vital role in reducing our planet’s plastic pollution.
To find out more about HEMP PLASTIC ....
Click the HUB button at the top of this page.
There will be experts there to guide you.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Fuel
If you aren’t blown away by hemp just yet, this might do the trick.
Not only can hemp help preserve our planet and improve our manufacturing, it can help fuel us forward and decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.
According to the National Hemp Association, hemp can be used to produce two types of fuels:
Biodiesel — produced from the oil of the pressed hemp seed
Ethanol/Methanol — produced from the fermented hemp stalk
With the increasing problems surrounding traditional fossil fuels and oils, the need for a natural alternative is stronger than ever. Hemp is the only alternative fuel that can run in any unmodified diesel engine, and provides a solution that is more efficient, more affordable, and most importantly, more sustainable than traditional fuel.
Henry Ford even built his first car (which used a hemp steel!) to run on hemp fuel.
Bottom line, Hemp Fuel is a no brainer, and will undoubtedly have a positive impact on our global footprint.
To find out more about HEMP BASED BIO FUEL ....
Click the HUB button at the top of this page.
There will be experts there to guide you.
Now that you are aware of the MASSIVE potential for Hemp in Aotearoa ..... Join the hemp community .... click the HUB button at the top of the page and join in the convrsation
NB ..... the Frega platform, this website and the associated Social Media site, Frega HUB are all a work in progress